How To Build A Coaching Business With Purpose
Want to build a thriving life coaching business? Design & Direction business coach Jody Tom walks you through the “3 V’s” to connecting with potential clients.
Guest blog by Jody Tom

Jody is a working mother, an organizer of chaos, an introverted lover of dance, and a champion of the dream seekers. Jody works with all shapes, sizes, and textures of leaders and their dreams. Again and again she has found that great business has little to do with business at all. She created True North Solutions, LLC to support those ready to think and do things differently.
Jody is both a Design & Direction Coach and a Business Systems Consultant with a Masters in Organizational Management and over twenty years of experience in traditional business. Today, Jody’s passion is Life and Business Design centered on purpose, impact, and goodness. She is an intentional coach invested in helping her clients get to their True North. Jody is a 2021 graduate of the Lumia Life Coach Training program. You can follow her work on Instagram @truly_jody.
Building A Life Coaching Business With Purpose - Why It Matters
Before we start creating our Building-My-Business To Do List, let’s take a step back and think about this differently. My favorite part of business is when the most effective solution comes from a place that doesn’t seem like business at all. Purpose is one of those types of solutions, and now we have data to prove how purpose builds our business.
Purpose = Business Growth
Let’s face it, without clients, we have little business and stagnant growth. As new coaches we hope to get clients who are satisfied with our coaching, however, to build our business we need our clients to be able to have greater impact.
The 2020 Zeno Strength of Purpose Study tells us that 82% of consumers took action to support a business when they believed in its purpose.
Clients are asking for businesses to have purpose.
The study of 8,000 global consumers and 75 business brands validated that consumers are inspired and motivated to support businesses with their heart, time, voice, and money when those businesses have a clear mission, honorable intention, and ethical impact.
When clients understand that we have a strong purpose they are:
- 4 times more likely to sign up for our services
- 6 times more likely to be our advocate against any nay-sayers
- 4.5 times more likely to recommend us to friends and family
- 4.1 times more likely to trust us
With purpose we can dream bigger!
Our clients can do more. When our business lives and breathes with a strong purpose, our clients aren’t our customers, they are the champions of our services, advocates for our growth, and promoters of coaching as the valuable and essential service that it is.
“But… I think I am doing fine without a purpose…”
Let me say this: We live in a cancel culture where it is too easy for the displeased to express themselves. 75% of consumers said they have taken negative action against a business they disagreed with including:
- no longer buying from the business
- switching to a competitor
- discouraging others from buying or supporting the business
By having a strong purpose we are not only setting up a strong foundation, but we are also being transparent about what we value and what our business genuinely stands for. This prevents potential misunderstandings and miscommunications right from the start. Start strong and build a loyal clientele.
“I think I have a Strong Purpose. How would I know?”
Imagine asking your favorite client the following questions:
- Do you know what I hope to achieve with my coaching business?
- What role does my coaching business have in society? In the world?
- What values do I hold so dear to me that you can see it demonstrated through my business interactions?
Would your client know the answer?
You may think you have a strong purpose, but if it isn’t shouted from your virtual business rooftop you might as well not have one. Creating that next level client means that everything you do and say oozes the answers to those questions!
”OK. Where do I start?”
The Three V’s to Purpose

Take some time to write your vision statement. Your vision is your map to the ultimate dream of your business. It includes your long-term aspirations and their meaning to the world. Your vision statement will be future-focused and simple and will evoke feelings of inspiration, energy, and impact on something greater than yourself.
Once you’ve written your vision statement, read it from your client’s perspective.
- Is it transparent and authentic?
- Does it energize and inspire?
- Would your client know what the legacy of your business is after reading it?
Examples of Inspirational Vision Statements:
TED: Spread ideas
Ben & Jerry’s: “Making the best ice cream in the nicest possible way”
Zappos: “To provide the best customer service possible. Deliver 'WOW' through service”
List the core values you plan to live and run your business by. Values serve as a guiding compass or your North Star. They represent what you stand for and your reason for being. Just like a good coach, our core values help us create solutions and make decisions in the right direction towards our vision.
Once you’ve identified your core values, read them again from your client’s perspective.
- Would your client understand what each value means?
- What does each value mean to your client specifically?
- What kind of service would your client expect after reading your values?
Examples of Core Values:
Ben & Jerry’s: Human Rights & Dignity, Social & Economic Justice, Environmental Protection, Restoration & Regeneration
Zappos: Deliver WOW Through Service, Embrace and Drive Change, Create Fun and A Little Weirdness, Be Adventurous, Creative, and Open-Minded, Pursue Growth and Learning, Build Open and Honest Relationships With Communication, Build a Positive Team and Family Spirit, Do More With Less, Be Passionate and Determined, Be Humble
If Vision is your map and Values are your guiding compass, then your Voice is where the rubber meets the road. Voice is the proof that you believe in and are living up to your Vision and Values. Actions speak louder than words. Here are some ways to begin with your Voice:
1) Be proud of your vision and values. Speak of your vision and your values often and display them everywhere.
2) Embrace your vision and values in business strategies. Make sure your “big picture” planning is in alignment with your vision.
3) Integrate your values into your policies and everyday practices. Walk in your client’s shoes as they walk through your intake process and see if your values are present.
4) Use your vision and values. Whenever you need to solve a problem, create a solution, or make decisions, revisit your vision and values.
5) Test them often. Just as humans do, businesses ebb and flow and react to our ever-changing world. Don’t be afraid to shift and refocus when necessary.
Now that you’ve established the three V’s it’s time to celebrate! Every time you make a decision in alignment with your purpose, celebrate. Celebrate that you are building your business one road at a time. Celebrate that you are heading in the direction of your vision. Celebrate your willingness to connect to your clients. Celebrate the impact you are making in your business, in your clients’ lives, and in the world.
Purpose is how we set our direction. Everything else follows.
Want to Be A Coach?
One of our values at Lumia is that we dare to be different. Our coaches like Jody ignore the expectations society tries to impose on them, and seek to live from their own truth instead. If you are ready to step into your power and you’d like some partners in the process, come check out Lumia Life Coach Training. Grounded in science, our ICF accredited program features authentic instructors, a robust curriculum, and business instruction to prepare you for liftoff.