
How Coaching is Changing the World (And How You Can Be Part of It)

Coaching is transforming healthcare, leadership, education, and social spaces. Learn how you can be part of this global movement with Lumia's coach training.

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In a world grappling with wave after wave of challenges, a quiet revolution is unfolding. It's not driven by new technology or policy changes, but by the power of human connection and growth. 

This revolution is coaching, and its impact is reshaping our world in subtle and profound ways.

Recently, Lumia CEO Noelle Cordeaux sat down with Lumia Instructor Chris Clark to explore this transformation on The Everything Life Coaching podcast. Their conversation revealed the coming waves of change, driven by coaches across various sectors of society. Let's dive into how coaching is not just changing lives, but changing our world.

Combating the Loneliness Epidemic

Coaches are helping to create change in response to the global loneliness crisis. From government-funded initiatives to dating apps, coaching is being leveraged to bridge the gaps in human connection. In New York City, public programs are using coaching to combat loneliness. Even dating apps like Hinge are incorporating coaching support, helping Gen Z users navigate the complex journey from virtual connections to real-world relationships.

"We're seeing change taking place from government institutions, from nonprofit institutions, social institutions, literally all the way down to the street level, where one-on-one coaches are impacting clients." - Noelle Cordeaux

Coaching is creating a society where meaningful connections are nurtured and valued. Coaches are at the forefront of this change, equipped with the skills to help people build authentic relationships and create a real sense of belonging.

Revolutionizing Healthcare

Picture a healthcare system where patients feel supported at every step, and medical professionals have the tools to navigate the emotional complexities of their work. This vision is becoming reality through the integration of coaching in healthcare.

Coaches are filling crucial gaps in two big areas:

Patient Support: Coaches are becoming integral members of healthcare teams, to be a glue to the process, to accompany the patient along every step of their journey from pre-diagnosis through end of life. This support improves patient care, outcomes and experiences.

Healthcare Provider Support: The emotional toll on medical professionals is immense. Coaches are stepping in to help, developing programs to enhance communication skills and provide emotional support. One Lumia student, a surgeon, even created a coaching support program for ER doctor residents, addressing burnout and improving resilience.

Coaching is making healthcare more humane and creating a system that truly cares for both patients and providers, leading to better health outcomes for all.

Coaching is Transforming Leadership and Management

Envision a workplace where leaders truly understand and support their team members as whole people. This is the future of leadership that coaching is helping to create.

How to hold consideration for a whole person is not taught in an MBA program. Coaching is filling this gap, transforming managers into coaches, acting as "socio-emotional guides" for their teams.

This shift goes beyond traditional management styles. It's about creating psychologically safe environments where innovation thrives through diversity of thought. Coaches are equipping leaders with the skills to navigate complex interpersonal dynamics, fostering workplaces that are not just productive, but truly fulfilling.

Coaching is Changing Education and Skill Development

Imagine an education system that prepares students not just for exams, but for life. This is the transformation coaching is bringing to education.

For instance, there’s a groundbreaking initiative between Carnegie Mellon and Rice University, creating 35,000 coaching jobs to support doctoral students of leadership worldwide. 

"Folks are not prepared to enter the workforce. Folks are not prepared to be effective leaders. Folks are not prepared to deal with the increasingly complex landscapes of interpersonal interaction." - Noelle Cordeaux

Coaching is bridging this gap, developing crucial "soft skills" or "durable skills" that are essential for success in the modern world. This is about academic achievement and preparing the next generation to navigate life's complexities with confidence and resilience.

Coaching Helps Reimagine Social Spaces

Picture community spaces where genuine connection and personal growth are the main attractions. As traditional gathering places decline, coaches are stepping in to create innovative social experiences.

From a Chicago DJ building a coaching practice around a "fun club" to foster adult connection, to Chris Clark’s own experience creating community through a Celtic spirituality class, coaches are reimagining how we come together. These social gatherings are opportunities for personal growth, authentic connection, and collective joy!

Coaching Empowers Individual Action

At its core, coaching is about empowering people to take action. By providing the language and tools to navigate change, coaches are helping individuals and organizations step out of limiting "boxes" and create new narratives. 

"Coaching helps us to string it together to investigate those false narratives and to write a new story for ourselves and the people around us." - Chris Clark

Coaching is about personal development and about creating a ripple effect of positive change that extends from individuals to communities to the world at large.

Join the Movement

The world is calling for change, and coaches are answering that call. If you feel drawn to be part of this global transformation, know that you have a place in this movement.

At Lumia, we're training coaches and nurturing change-makers. We're equipping people with the skills, knowledge, and support to make a real difference in the world, one conversation at a time.

Are you in to help shape a more connected, compassionate, and empowered world? If so, we're here to guide you on your journey.

If you are ready to step into your power and you’d like a partner in the process, come check out Lumia Life Coach Training and Book a Call with one of our Admissions Coaches. Grounded in science, our ICF accredited program features authentic instructors, a robust curriculum, and business instruction to prepare you for the future of work.

Lumia Coaching: Vibrant community. Evidence-based life coach training. Lifetime support.

[Free Guide] 6 Steps to Start Coaching Today

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