Building Your Business

How to Book Speaking Engagements (For Life Coaches)

Discover how life coaches can secure speaking engagements to boost their careers. Learn strategies for defining your message, building a portfolio, and network.

How to Book Speaking Engagements (For Life Coaches)

As a professional life coach, sharing your message on stage can elevate your career to new heights. 

Speaking engagements provide a platform to showcase your expertise, build your brand, and connect with a broader audience – which of course can lead to more coaching clients! There’s no singular way to achieve this goal, but if you approach it strategically and with persistence, you’re more likely to find opportunities opening up for you.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you book speaking engagements and make your mark in the industry.

Define Your Message and Audience

Before you start reaching out to event organizers, it's important to think about why you want to speak, and what you have to say. Are you hoping to share a specific message? To reach a certain audience? To make extra income? You should have a clear message and know who your target audience is, as well as your why.

We often say at Lumia that your story is your gold, and that your story has the power to help others – even the chapters you may sometimes want to rip out! 

Ask yourself:

  • What core message do I want to convey?
  • Who will benefit most from my message?
  • What problems can I help solve through my speech?

Knowing your audience and message will help you tailor your pitch and make it more compelling to event organizers. With your message and your goals in mind, you can begin to research what opportunities will best serve your goals.

Research and Educate Yourself

Start researching online resources about securing speaking engagements. Be discerning, however, and don’t fall for aggressive sales pitches or marketing that preys on insecurities – this space is rife with them. This research phase is crucial for understanding the speaking industry and identifying your ideal entry point.

If you have a background in the corporate world, leverage those connections and experiences. Regardless of your professional history, there's an appropriate starting point for everyone. Focus on finding yours.

Start Local and Build Your Portfolio

Begin by speaking at local events, workshops, and meetups. Consider joining public speaking groups like Toastmasters to further develop your skills and get honest feedback as you go.

These smaller venues are excellent opportunities to hone your skills, gather testimonials, and build your portfolio. Don’t underestimate the power of community events in building your reputation. Again, research is your friend – look up the types of events you’d like to speak at in your city, see the different venues and what events they have coming up.

Start small and develop a presentation or workshop that is engaging, informative, and tailored to your audience's needs. Make sure your content is unique and offers value, whether it’s through actionable insights, inspiring stories, or practical tips.

Test it out on trusted friends who understand your goals – get their feedback and use it to improve.

Use social media and your website to showcase your expertise and speaking skills. Share videos of your talks, write insightful blog posts, and participate in relevant online communities. Platforms like YouTube, Instagram, and LinkedIn are great places to build your presence and attract the attention of event organizers – depending on your specific goals.

Network with Event Organizers

Making connections and leveraging existing relationships is key to booking speaking engagements. Look through your professional connections and see if anyone is likely to have an opportunity for you. 

Depending on your desired topic and niche, you can also attend industry conferences, join professional organizations, and connect with event organizers on social media platforms like LinkedIn. Engage in conversations, provide value and insights, and when and if it’s appropriate – let them know you’re interested in speaking opportunities.

Build a Strong Speaker Profile

Your speaker profile is your professional calling card. It can live on your website, and should include:

  • A strong bio that highlights your experience and expertise.
  • High-quality headshots and professional photos of you in action.
  • A speaker reel with clips of you speaking at past events (if available).
  • A list of topics you can speak on, with detailed descriptions.

When you’re ready to pitch your speaking to larger events, make sure your proposal stands out. Your pitch should include:

  • A brief introduction about who you are and why you’re qualified.
  • An outline of your proposed talk, including key takeaways for the audience.
  • A link to your speaker profile and any relevant past speaking engagements.
  • Testimonials or references from previous events (if available).

Follow Up and Be Persistent

Event organizers are busy, so don’t be discouraged if you don’t get an immediate response. Follow up politely after a week or two, and express your continued interest. Persistence can pay off, but make sure to balance it with respect for their time.

Don’t put all your eggs in one basket, and keep trying different venues and conferences. This will take time! Don’t get discouraged if you’re turned down. Keep creating opportunities for yourself, and always seek feedback from people you trust, your audience and event organizers. Use this feedback to refine your presentations and improve your delivery. 

Finally, let your authenticity and passion shine through in every speaking engagement and interaction. Your genuine enthusiasm for helping others will resonate and what you bring to the world will impact the lives of others for good.

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