
Becoming a Six-Figure Coach: Real Talk on Finding Success and Making an Impact (Ft. Jason Moss)

Discover how successful coaches overcome fears and thrive. Learn from Jason Moss and Noelle Cordeaux about authenticity, community support, and mindset shifts i

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Jason Moss is a highly successful business coach who has transformed his career from humble beginnings to leading a thriving community of over 20,000 coaches worldwide. His journey began in 2016 when he first started coaching, earning a modest $4,728 in his first year. Despite his consistent efforts and active presence on social media, his initial attempts to gain traction failed.

Once Jason began to understand the effective strategies for client acquisition, his career trajectory changed dramatically. He successfully scaled his business to surpass $500,000 in annual sales, achieving the freedom to set his own hours and work from any location.

Jason's passion lies in sharing his hard-earned knowledge about growing a successful coaching business. He is dedicated to helping other coaches achieve similar levels of success and fulfillment in their careers, emphasizing that with the right approach and consistent effort, others can replicate his journey and thrive in the coaching industry. You can connect with him here.

In a recent heart-to-heart on The Everything Life Coaching Podcast, two seasoned coaches – Noelle Cordeaux, CEO of Lumia, and Jason Moss, an experienced business coach, pulled back the curtain on what it really takes to thrive as a professional coach.

They didn't shy away from the tough stuff – the fears that keep them up at night, the self-doubt that creeps in when they least expect it. But they also illuminated the momentum of finding your community, those fellow coaches who lift you up, push you forward and remind you why you started this journey in the first place. 

If you’re eager to get to the next level in your coaching journey, listen in to learn the mindset shifts that were necessary in their own journeys to propel them from struggle to success. 

From overcoming fears to harnessing the power of community, their discussion offers valuable insights for both aspiring and established coaches.

"The fact that you're still in the messiness of whatever your transformation is not only doesn't disqualify you, but it actually makes you uniquely qualified because you're in it." - Jason Moss

Jason’s Path to Coaching

Jason's journey into coaching wasn't a straightforward one. Starting in the music industry, he found himself naturally drawn to helping others, often having meaningful and impactful conversations with friends. 

This passion for supporting others led him to create "Behind the Speakers," a platform to share his knowledge about music production. Over the next 5-6 years, "Behind the Speakers" grew into a six-figure business, helping thousands of musicians worldwide. This was Jason’s first entry point into the world of coaching, though he didn't necessarily think of it as coaching at the time.

Through this experience, Jason learned a lot about online marketing and growing a business. He eventually decided to use this knowledge to transition into business coaching, specifically helping other coaches with marketing and growing their businesses.

It's worth noting that Jason emphasizes he didn't wake up one day and decide to be a coach. Instead, it was a gradual process that evolved from his passion for helping others and sharing knowledge, combined with his experiences in building his own online business.

What are the Biggest Fears Coaches Face?

Fear is one of the biggest issues a coach can face in their journey. Jason emphasizes that fear is a very normal and natural part of the coaching path, even for experienced coaches. He mentions waking up scared every day, and describes making forward movement as a dance between faith and fear.

These are the aspects of fear that a coach might run up against:

Fear of putting yourself out there and sharing your story: Many coaches struggle with visibility and self-promotion, especially when starting out.

Fear of success: Some coaches are afraid of achieving high levels of success, afraid of what it might look like to find money, power, and prestige.

Imposter syndrome: Coaches often doubt their qualifications or feel they're not "good enough" to help others.

Fear of losing belonging: As coaches become more successful, they may worry about losing connections with friends or family who aren't on the same path.

Fear of responsibility: As their client base grows, coaches may feel overwhelmed by the perceived responsibility for their clients' outcomes.

How to Push Through Fear and Find Success

Overcoming fear is not about eliminating it entirely, but rather learning to make peace with it and not let it drive your decision-making. The goal is to acknowledge the fear, examine why it has appeared, but still take action towards your goals.

Anchoring in your 'why': Focusing on your vision and desire to impact others can help push through fear. 

"When you shift your focus to ‘What is the vision, what is the way that I want to serve, what is the way that I want to impact?’ it helps you get out of your own way." - Jason Moss 
Embracing discomfort: Getting comfortable with being uncomfortable is part of the experience, and important for real growth!

“How do I just get comfortable being uncomfortable and allowing that fear to be there and opening to it and not trying to resist it but just allowing it to be that voice that's kind of along for the ride?" - Jason Moss

Reframing beliefs: Examining and challenging limiting beliefs about money and success. 

Jason recounts how early in his career, a connection with another coach helped normalize success and showed him what was possible. 

Noelle backs this up with science, explaining how proximity to role models has a real psychological and chemical impact on our brains.

Practicing authenticity and self-compassion: It's okay to be a work in progress! Treating yourself with kindness and understanding when facing fears. Showing vulnerability and being real creates deeper connections with clients and makes success seem more attainable for them. 

Noelle shares two powerful thoughts for anyone who is struggling in this area: "Your own life can be a dumpster fire and you can still be good at your job," and "If not you, then who?"

Leveraging community support and role models: Surrounding yourself with other coaches can normalize the experience of fear and provide encouragement. 

Both Jason and Noelle stress the transformative power of being part of a coaching community and the value of “being in the room” where there are higher level people. The opportunity to learn from people doing the things you want to be doing is invaluable.

"There's no way I would be where I am today without the mentors, guides, and communities that have dramatically changed the game for me." - Jason Moss

All of these examples mirror the work coaches do with their clients, highlighting the importance of using coaching techniques such as future visioning and surrounding oneself with people who can cheer you on.

As we can see through this conversation – the journey to becoming a successful coach is one of continuous growth, facing fears, and embracing authenticity. 

By anchoring in your purpose, surrounding yourself with supportive communities, and showing up as your true self, your coaching journey will be a meaningful one.

Whether you're just starting out or are an established coach looking to scale, remember – your story is your gold. The unique experiences you’ve had and even your struggles are what make you an effective coach, and will give you the power to impact the world for good.

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