Stop Outsourcing Approval In Your Coaching Business
Lumia coaches Johnna Renée & Sharon Bakcht share six strategies for in-sourcing self confidence as you prepare to launch your coaching career.
Guest blog by Johnna Renée & Sharon Bakcht

Johnna Renée is an Evidence Based Life Coach who helps make self-help finally make sense! She uses research backed studies to explain WHY you do (and don't do) the things that you do, and teaches her clients the proven tools they need to discover who they are and live confidently as that person. Johnna hosts a weekly Instagram live series, Shit I Wish Someone Told Me, to help you save time and tears trying to figure it all out yourself. Johnna is a 2019 graduate of Lumia Coach Training. You can follow her work on Instagram/Facebook @heyjohnnarenee or by visiting

Sharon Bakcht is the Founder and Chief Badass of Being a BADASS Empowerment Coaching. She loves mentoring new coachprenuers and guides them to listen to their voice, shed "the shoulds", and create the coaching business of their dreams. Sharon is a New Yorker at heart, mom to a crazypants kid, and voracious donut-lover. She is a proud 2020 graduate of Lumia Coaching and holds an MBA from Northwestern, Kellogg School of Management. You can connect with her on Instagram @beingabadass or
How to In-Source the Coaching Business of Your Dreams
You did it! You decided to step into the next version of yourself and make a difference in this world by becoming a certified life coach. Congratulations, and may we celebrate with a happy dance!
Equipped with your newfound knowledge and certification, you set out to take on your first clients. And that’s when it happens…
That’s when you start to look for validation that you can do this, and that the value you provide is just as good as the other coaches you see online.
And that’s also when you start to do things like:
- Disconnect from your intuition in favor of listening to the loud voices around you.
- Invite the party poopers to your would-be launch party. Those sneaky hooligans Fear, Imposter, Overwhelm, and Paralysis. They’re a cruel gang - a bunch of bullies. Who invited these guys, anyway??
- Get all existential. You might say to yourself: “There are so many coaches out there. Why does the world need one more?”
- Make choices that are not authentic to you just because you see other people doing it that way.
- Question whether being a coach is right for you at all and talk yourself out of your coaching vision. You can fall down that rabbit hole so fast, you don’t even know how it happened.
What just happened? Well, grab a beverage and pull up a seat. We are about to tell you!
The moment you started outsourcing your approval is the moment you gave your power to someone else. It’s like you handed over the remote control of your life to another person. And as someone who is destined to change the world, ain’t nobody got time for that!
In case no one ever told you this, we, Johnna and Sharon, are going to say it: YOU get to approve.
This is the magic.
You get to choose what to do with your one wild and precious life and coaching business.
Want a taste of what can happen when you learn to “in-source” your approval?
- You’ll be able to show up with consistent energy and commitment to your business. You’ll persevere when things get tough. Grit, baby!
- Your decisions will feel energizing to you. You’ll be listening to your voice and in alignment with what is right for you. You’ll feel confident, capable, and badass.
- Your confidence and authenticity will shine, so you’ll magnetize clients and model a healthy relationship with approval for your clients and audience.
Warning: possible side effects of “in-sourcing” include happiness, client attraction, and business success.
Alright. I’m sold. Where do I start?
Luckily, Johnna and Sharon are here to show you some ways that you can “in-source” your approval on the days that you aren’t quite 100% confident.
Johnna recommends:
1) Make a list of your strengths. Positive psychology research suggests that one of the best ways to boost your self-esteem is to remind yourself of all of your accomplishments. After you’ve made your list you can refer to it anytime you need a pick-me-up. Seeing all of your awesomeness laid out in front of you is a surefire way to in-souce your approval.
A favorite of mine for this is the VIA Strengths Finder.
BONUS: the things you’re good at can also be strengths you leverage for your clients!
2) Find a community. The right community for you, that is. Consider what you want to focus on and then leverage your network. Ask where people who would be interested in your focus are hanging out, and then go there!
Does no such hangout exist?
Create it! The Internet is your oyster and there are tons of free places you can post online and organize a regular hangout to create the community you want to serve.
Some ideas:
- Eventbrite
- Meetup
- Mighty Networks
3) Speak your truth! There’s no one quite like you. You are here to bring your unique perspective to this planet, so may you do just that! The more you speak your truth, the easier it will be for those who you can help to find you.
Have your doubts? Let me ask you this: If you never howl, how will you find your pack?
Sharon says:
4) Connect with your coaching vision and your “why”. Remember what motivates you to coach, who you want to help and how you can uniquely serve them. No coach out there is just like you, and that’s a great thing. I keep my coaching vision close and reconnect with it on the regular. This is my north star!
5) Get quiet. The world is noisy and it can be really hard to listen to your own voice. Getting quiet allows me to reconnect with my intuition, identify what feels aligned, and make authentic decisions for my business. I get to approve!
6) Tap into what energizes you and is inspiring. This can be in or outside of coaching. Dance parties, nature, meditation, cooking, music, journaling… whatever is your jam. I call this the BADASS Mindset or getting into the BADASS Flow. When I feel energized, I bring that energy into my business and it’s monumentally important in generating the confidence I need to source approval from within.
Here’s one my fave playlists to call in that badassery.
Key Takeaways
Listen, having doubts is normal! Especially when you are trying something new. But that doesn’t mean that those doubts should hold you back from doing good in this world.
When you start to outsource your approval and look for that external validation, call upon our 6 recommendations to remind you of your awesomeness.
You have something to offer that no one else can.
There are people out there who will only be able to hear a message the way that your voice delivers it. Plus, you’ll have way more fun and be able to show up consistently for your business when you source approval from yourself. You’re the boss, babe.
So get ready to speak your truth and start magnetizing people towards you with your unique authenticity and confidence. You’ve got this!
Need a system to stop outsourcing approval and make confidence a reality? Check out Johnna’s proven framework for tapping into who you are so that you can show up confidently, kick uncertainty to the curb, and kick ass in your coaching business instead! Visit to learn more.
Until next time, keep being your badass self!
We’re cheering for you,
Johnna and Sharon
Want to Become A Coach?
One of our values at Lumia is that we dare to be different. Our coaches like Johnna and Sharon ignore the expectations society tries to impose on them, and seek to live from their own truth instead. If you are ready to step into your power and you’d like some partners in the process, come check out Lumia Life Coach Training. Grounded in science, our ICF accredited program features authentic instructors, a robust curriculum, and business instruction to prepare you for liftoff.