Thriving at Work: What Coaches Need to Know About the 5 Pillars of Workplace Wellness
Find out how life coaches can contribute to creating healthier workplaces through understanding the Surgeon General’s "5 Essentials" for workplace wellness.
A Life Coach's Guide to the US Surgeon General's Workplace Well-Being Initiative
In the ever-evolving landscape of work, the pandemic acted as a powerful catalyst, illuminating the flaws within our traditional work structures. The echoes of the "Great Resignation" resonate with a resounding message - the workforce is no longer willing to tolerate toxic environments that compromise well-being.
As the tides of change sweep across industries, life coaches and those interested in the art of coaching find themselves at a pivotal intersection. What's not working? And how can we, as coaches, play a transformative role in fostering healthier workplaces?
Unmasking the Hidden Struggles at Work
Mind Share Partners’ 2021 Mental Health at Work Report paints a poignant picture of the reality many employees face. An astounding 84% of respondents indicated that their workplace conditions contributed to various mental health challenges. The confines of outdated structures, unrealistic expectations, and disconnected work cultures have created an environment ripe for burnout and disengagement.
The Ascent of Well-Being
The American Psychological Association’s 2022 Work and Well-being Survey adds another layer to this narrative. It uncovers a powerful revelation: 81% of respondents are actively seeking workplaces that prioritize mental health and well-being. This indicates a shift in values on a growing scale, where the focus is not merely on professional growth, but on holistic flourishing.
Charting a New Path: The Surgeon General's Workplace Wellness Initiative
Enter the US Surgeon General's Workplace Wellness Initiative, a clarion call to reframe our approach to work and its impact on mental well-being. At its heart lies a 5-point plan that charts the course towards healthier workplaces:

The Five Essentials of Wellbeing At Work:
- Protection from Harm: An environment free from psychological and emotional harm.
- Connection and Community: Fostering authentic connections and a sense of belonging.
- Opportunity for Growth: Providing avenues for continuous personal and professional development.
- Mattering at Work: Recognizing and validating each individual's contributions.
- Work-Life Harmony: Nurturing a balance between work and personal life.
The Role of Coaches in Cultivating Healthier Workplaces
As champions of change, life coaches stand at the forefront of transforming workplaces into thriving ecosystems. Here's just a few ways that coaches and people leaders can harness the Surgeon General's recommendations to help make a tangible impact on the future of work as we know it:
1. Cultivating Awareness
Coaches and managers can raise awareness about the importance of workplace well-being and facilitate conversations that challenge the status quo. This can be done both from within, as an employee, leader, or internal coach. It can also be done from without, as a consultant, wellness provider, and with your individual 1:1 coaching clients.
Consider: what are your circles of influence? In what ways might you raise awareness and champion change?
2. Personalized Strategies
Coaches possess the tools to develop personalized strategies for individuals and organizations, aligning with the initiative's core principles.
How might you envision bringing these concepts to your clients, colleagues, and community? What tools and exercises can you draw upon from your training as a coach to help forward these ideals?
3. Navigating Change
The Surgeon General’s recommendations call for a significant adjustment to “business as usual,” which is not always easy or comfortable. The coaching process empowers individuals to navigate transitions, cope with uncertainties, and embrace growth during times of transition.
For coaching tools and strategies to support client learning, check out The Everything Life Coaching podcast episiode: The Importance of Learning and Change as an Adult.
4. Empowering Authenticity
Unlike hierarchical management approaches, a coaching mindset encourages authenticity and vulnerability, creating a space where employees can voice their needs and aspirations.
“In the face of rapid, disruptive change, companies are realizing that managers can’t be expected to have all the answers and that command-and-control leadership is no longer viable. As a result, many firms are moving toward a coaching model in which managers facilitate problem solving and encourage employees’ development by asking questions and offering support and guidance rather than giving orders and making judgments.” - Harvard Business Review, The Leader As Coach
For specific examples of how you might bring a coaching mindset to the office, see How To Build A Coaching Culture At Work.
5. Strengthening Resilience
By building emotional resilience, coaches enable employees to navigate challenges with grace and tenacity.
What are some ways we can meet people in times of challenge? Here's two simple strategies that can go a long way:
Seek to understand what your employees, colleagues, and clients are going through. Allow them the grace to deal with their emotions and experiences at their own pace. We each come to workplace challenges with different amounts of resilience, grit, compassion, and empathy.
Be kind. Know that everyone is affected by unhealthy workplace conditions in unique ways. Each person has their own methods for coping, and may require something different from you.
As we have collectively observed people implementing new forms of mutual aid and care over the past few years, it’s been inspiring to see all the ways we are discovering how to create safety and support for one another.
Guiding Your Coaching Clients Toward Professional Well-Being
Coaches have the ability to be a beacon of guidance for clients who are seeking ways to enhance their professional well-being. By incorporating the Surgeon General's principles into your coaching practice, you can offer transformative, tangible support that's evidence-based and grounded in research.
What might that look like? Here’s a few ideas:
Nurturing Self-Care: Find ways to inspire your clients to prioritize self-care, setting the foundation for overall well-being.
Aligning Values: When you guide your clients toward aligning their values with their professional pursuits, it helps to foster a sense of meaning and fulfillment.
Setting Boundaries: Support your clients in identifying where they are leaking energy, chasing perfectionism, or overgiving. Help them establish healthy boundaries, enabling them to better maintain work-life harmony.
Crafting Growth Plans: The Surgeon General's "Opportunity for Growth" principle is realized when you assist your clients in creating goals and implementing personalized action plans toward achieving them.
Cultivating Connection: Encourage your clients to seek authentic connections within their workplace, nurturing a sense of community in the ways that they can.
Embracing the Transformation
Well-being is no longer a luxury, but a fundamental necessity. As the Surgeon General's initiative gains momentum, life coaches have an unparalleled opportunity to help reshape the landscape of work.
By weaving this initiative's principles into your coaching practice, you can help guide your clients towards workplaces that honor their well-being, growth, and authentic selves. The journey is transformative, not just for employees but for the organizations they inhabit.
In this way, the Surgeon General's initiative becomes a compass, steering coaches and clients alike towards healthier, more fulfilling professional lives. As more people bring these principles into practice, the echoes of change will reverberate across industries, changing the face of business as we know it.
Additional resources for people leaders:
- Dealing With Burnout and Stress: Real Solutions for Leaders
- Using Coaching Skills As A Leader
- The RISE of Coaching in the Workplace
- How to Ask Your Company to Pay for Life Coach Training
Want to Enhance Your Professional Toolkit?
Business leaders, advisors, HR professionals, therapists, personal trainers, techies, nurses, teachers, social workers -- people across all these professions (and more!) have found life coaching certification useful in elevating their existing skills, and making a bigger impact within their organizations.
Whatever your future career plans may hold, we invite you to explore the Lumia Life Coach Training program. Grounded in science, our ICF accredited program features authentic instructors, a robust curriculum, business instruction, and fellow students dedicated to becoming a collective force for good.