Tell us about before you became a coach.
I was born and raised in Canada and lived there most of my life until a life changing heart attack on January 17, 2016 changed my life forever. In the months and years since, I have changed just about everything in my life that you could imagine.
I left a 25-year marriage, a month later was restructured out of my job in Big Pharma. After a heart to heart discussion with my son who was grown up and chasing his dreams, I realized for the first time I had no obligations to anyone but myself.
After a backpacking trip to India and Nepal, I decided to return to Canada and set out on what I now refer to as my Soul’s Journey.
I bought a motorcycle and departed from Toronto on a solo motorcycle trip all the way to Costa Rica and then back to California.
During my Soul Journey, I have undergone a Spiritual Transformation of the self and have been working on myself through workshops, online courses and coaching schools ever since. This personal work led me to Lumia.
What happened in your life to push you to FINALLY become a coach?
I find this to be an interesting question because I truly don’t feel like anything pushed me to become a coach.
Some would likely think the obvious answer would be my heart attack, but I honestly feel more like coaching found me.
My heart attack and subsequent Soul Journey were the catalysts. What I mean by that is I have always been a helper and what I discovered on my Journey was that people gravitated to me. They would ask for help or my thoughts on something they were struggling with. Both men and women alike, would share so openly and vulnerably their struggles. I would listen, ask them questions and offer my thoughts if they wanted them. After becoming a Certified Life Coach, I now realize that what I was doing was coaching all along and honestly that was a pretty cool realization.
I had been looking to enroll in the Masters in Spiritual Psychology program at the University of Santa Monica and their coaching program, but learned that the program was no longer being offered.
This in turn led me to enroll in a USM offshoot coaching program in January of 2019. Once I completed this program, I jumped right in with Lumia and was part of the June 2019 Cohort.
What other options or pathways did you consider before signing up for Lumia?
I had been looking to enroll in the Masters in Spiritual Psychology program at the University of Santa Monica and their coaching program, but learned that the program was no longer being offered.
This in turn led me to enroll in a USM offshoot coaching program in January of 2019. Once I completed this program, I jumped right in with Lumia and was part of the June 2019 Cohort.
Why did you choose coach training with Lumia?
Over the course of my journey I began to follow John Kim and it was through his work and a conversation with Noelle that had me wanting to enroll.
I was attracted to Lumia specifically because of the faculty and all the training that was offered. I knew I needed to add more tools to my coaching toolbox and Lumia offered that in spades.
The cost of entry made Lumia super attractive and I don’t think there is another coaching program out there that offers the same “bang for the buck”. Lastly, the option to receive ICF accreditation was the icing on the cake.
What would have happened if you did not go through the Lumia program?
If I had not gone through the Lumia coaching experience I would still be waffling around trying to figure out what my strengths as a coach are and what niche I want to focus on.
The work you must do to complete and graduate from the program forces you to dive deep not only into who you are as a person, but who you are and want to be as a coach.
What risks did you consider when thinking of becoming a coach?
Some people probably think I'm a little crazy because I went all in on a career as a life coach, so I guess you can say I was willing to risk it all! What Lumia made me realize is that coaching and being of service to others is my purpose in life and I am fully committed to making this a reality.
What fears did you have before joining Lumia?
Am I good enough? Do I truly have what it takes to be a life coach? Can I actually make a living as a life coach? What am I going to do if I fail?
What measurable benefits have you seen as a result of becoming a coach with Lumia?
My confidence has only grown since I enrolled in Lumia. I have a clear understanding of my WHY and what my niche is. This in turn has increased the size of the pond I had been fishing in for new prospective clients.
As a result, I now have more potential clients reaching out to me for help and I am having more discovery conversations than I was having before I enrolled in Lumia. Since enrolling I have secured my second high paying client who just renewed for another 6 month coaching package.
How have you changed since coach training with Lumia? How has your business changed?
How have I not changed? My confidence as a coach has grown immensely, as well as my business acumen. I now have more clarity than ever on who my ideal clients are and where I need to be operating in order to attract them.
If you are truly serious about becoming a life coach, Lumia is the first place you should start.
What advice would you give to someone considering becoming a coach?
If you are truly serious about becoming a life coach, Lumia is the first place you should start.