Tell us about before you became a coach.
When I started Lumia coach training, I was a full-time design director at a big corporate office. I was feeling pretty lackluster about my career and design no longer had me feeling that "spark."
I had been on a self-discovery / personal betterment / self-help journey for a few years at this point— devouring books, podcasts, and TEDTalks and journaling daily. I had manifested this job at the exact compensation I'd decided I was going to get. I had a comfortable lifestyle and good benefits. I had flexibility for time off and remote work. But something was just off.
I started to understand that what I was missing was a connection to my true purpose and calling. But what the heck was it?
I knew I loved being a maker, creating things, but I also wanted to feel a sense of contribution to a greater cause, a sense of community.
It probably won't make sense to many folks, but I can only describe my calling to enter Lumia as a spiritual awakening inside of me and it drew me to that first call with Noelle. The universe was not letting me not get on that call. And once I talked with her, it was clear that I had to become a coach.
I didn't know if I'd actually practice—in fact, I kind of assumed I wouldn't. I was mostly hoping to learn more about myself and add some useful skills to whatever business I decided to go into.
What happened in your life to push you to FINALLY become a coach?
I was miserable at a job that had me entangled in corporate politics, unhealthy competition, manipulative behavior, and an overall toxic environment for an empathic creative.
Something had to give.
I didn't know how Lumia would change my life. I just knew it would.
I didn't know I'd practice as a coach and love it. I just knew I was going to learn something about myself that would pave the way for my next move.
I tried changing jobs... a lot. I started a new job about every one to two years. I was working for a micro agency at one point with a very flexible schedule and some pretty awesome clients, but that also wasn't filling my cup.
I really believed that if I made more money, I'd finally be happy. I'd finally be able to let go of stress, anxiety, feelings of being less-than.
I picked a number (that was way higher than any salary I'd ever had before) and decided I was not settling for less. And I got it. The exact number. But guess what? It didn't make me happy.
What other options or pathways did you consider before signing up for Lumia?
I tried changing jobs... a lot. I started a new job about every one to two years. I was working for a micro agency at one point with a very flexible schedule and some pretty awesome clients, but that also wasn't filling my cup.
I really believed that if I made more money, I'd finally be happy. I'd finally be able to let go of stress, anxiety, feelings of being less-than.
I picked a number (that was way higher than any salary I'd ever had before) and decided I was not settling for less. And I got it. The exact number. But guess what? It didn't make me happy.

Why did you choose coach training with Lumia?
I had seen other coaching programs advertised and had poked around on their websites for details, but never actually considered enrolling.
Something about Lumia coach training was so authentic and transparent to me.
I had followed John Kim for awhile and I liked his "tell it like it is" manner. All the information I read about the program suggested that it was thorough and evidence-based.
I didn't feel like I was being swindled into a program that made promises it couldn't keep. I felt like I was given information—data—on exactly how this program would go and what the outcome would be -- gaining an education, growing in my skills, and being supported in whatever my next step might be.
What would have happened if you did not go through the Lumia program?
If I hadn't gone through Lumia, I might still be at that job I hated. I might still be drowning in an echoey sea of negative self-talk and false narratives.
I definitely would not have had the guts to embrace vulnerability and acknowledge that my choices were no longer serving me, and take a risk to quit my job, and step into the arena by starting my own business.
I wouldn't have the unique skillset that now allows me to be a designer and a web developer that ALSO helps my clients remove self-imposed barriers on their path to success and believe they are worthy of success, abundance, and happiness.
AND I wouldn't have made some of the best and most important friendships of my life!
What risks did you consider when thinking of becoming a coach?
I was really worried that my family and friends would judge me for investing in becoming a life coach.
I thought they'd think it was stupid or say life coaching is not a "real" thing. I was also scared of spending so much money on a training program that I didn't even know how I'd use.
What fears did you have before joining Lumia?
I was afraid to show up as me.
I thought I needed to be more polished, skinnier, smarter, more experienced, better.
I was afraid I'd always feel less-than.
What measurable benefits have you seen as a result of becoming a coach with Lumia?

I gained access to a community of mentors, peers, and friends. I was able to integrate coaching into my design business and add a ton of extra value to my deliverables.
I am able to do what I love full-time and have work/life balance.
But the best part is, my clients are so happy and there is nothing more rewarding!
How have you changed since coach training with Lumia? How has your business changed?
I am a better listener and a better speaker.
I can hold space for someone without needing to speak or interject opinions.
I have tools to better understand myself and others.
I have increased empathy and understanding of the human experience.
I am now able to love and accept myself just as I am. This doesn't mean I'm done growing or evolving as a coach, a designer, or even a human. Quite the opposite.
We can love who we are today and still want more for ourselves.
I'm confident in the value of the services and products I provide and understand that I don't have to be everything to everybody. I am at peace with the word "no" and it has transformed my selling practice.
If you are considering investing in a coaching program, nothing compares to Lumia. The quality and credibility of the curriculum, the talented instructors, and the community and support you get for a lifetime are priceless.
Whether you decide to coach or not, you will not regret this investment in yourself.
You'll learn so much about yourself, your relationships, and your capabilities along the way.
You'll graduate a much stronger, confident and whole person.

What advice would you give to someone considering becoming a coach?
If you are considering investing in a coaching program, nothing compares to Lumia. The quality and credibility of the curriculum, the talented instructors, and the community and support you get for a lifetime are priceless.
Whether you decide to coach or not, you will not regret this investment in yourself.
You'll learn so much about yourself, your relationships, and your capabilities along the way.
You'll graduate a much stronger, confident and whole person.