12 Beneficial Life Coaching Podcasts To Listen To
We've compiled some of our favorite episodes from The Everything Life Coaching podcast, featuring Lumia Coaching co-founders John Kim and Noelle Cordeaux.
In 2017, Lumia Coaching co-founders John Kim (The Angry Therapist) and Noelle Cordeaux launched The Everything Life Coaching podcast. Little did they know back then just what they’d gotten themselves into.
Nearly every week since, they’ve offered up a fresh - and sometimes spicy! - round of insights, tips, and strategies to help listeners succeed in the coaching industry. And with more than 200 episodes now in the books, they’ve covered a lot of ground over the years.
Dive into the archives and you’re sure to find John and Noelle dishing on your most pressing coaching questions, with a dash of their signature wit and wisdom for good measure.
But who’s got time to hunt?
Never fear - we’re here to take the guesswork out of it for you!
Team Lumia combed through the podcast back catalog to feature 12 episodes that have really stood the test of time. What follows is a sampling of some of our most downloaded episodes on an array of popular coaching topics.
Lumia's Best Life Coaching Podcasts: A Sampler
Check out our best life coaching podcasts in the following categories:
Becoming A Coach
There are so many great life coaching podcasts out there, many of which cover coaching techniques and best practices. But what about if you're still deciding whether or not you'd like to become a coach?
Look no further! We've gathered some of our best coaching podcasts that discuss industry basics, like why people hire coaches to begin with, what coaches actually DO, and how to make living in the coaching industry.
Why Do People Hire a Life Coach?
They say that a good coach can serve anyone, on any topic. Why? Because we coach the person, not the problem. Clients, on the other hand, often see it differently! They've got a problem to solve or a goal to achieve, and they want to know you can help them with it.
Regardless of your coaching niche or specialty, as a coach it’s your job to bridge that gap. In this episode, we break down the consumer research to help you gain more insight into why people hire coaches, what they expect, and how to explain your services in terms that will resonate with potential clients. Listen now.
What Coaching Is and Is Not
The most common distinctions you’ll hear about what coaching is (and isn’t) are based on comparisons to other disciplines. For example, we’re told that a life coach helps people achieve their goals... and that it’s not therapy, mentoring, or consulting. But what does it really mean to be a coach, and what are the boundaries on your scope of practice? Tune in to find out!
Do Coaches Really Need Certification?
Can you build a life coaching business without getting certified? Yes. The life coaching industry is unregulated, which means you do not need any special license, training, or certification to coach other people. But do we recommend jumping in without training or credentials? Nope! Learn why.
Can I Make It As A Coach? (How Much Do Life Coaches Earn?)
In this 3-part series, we explore the #1 topic on the minds of aspiring coaches: income potential. In it, John and Noelle dive deep into industry benchmarks and research data to provide credible information on what it takes to succeed.
Discover how much life coaches make, the ways most of us really make a living, and strategies for building a sustainable coaching business. Listen now.
Building Your Coaching Business
OK, so you've gotten trained and have a pile of business cards at the ready. Or maybe you’ve been a coach for a while now, but the new client pipeline isn’t where you’d like it to be. Time to kick your business into high gear! Gain the insights you need to grow your coaching practice with a few of our best business podcasts.
5 Steps to See if Your New Client is a Good Match
Matching with a client is filled with expectations on both sides. The client has a problem to solve, a goal to accomplish or an unmet need to satisfy. Even if they are eager to work with you, it’s your role as a coach to listen to your intuition during an intake session to really figure out if it’s a good match. To that end, here’s five easy steps you can take to rock your new client calls. Get the steps.
How to Do Group Coaching
Working with a group can generate powerful benefits, which stem directly from the incredible energy and different viewpoints that arise within a group coaching program.
Unsurprisingly, group facilitation requires a different approach than we bring to one on one coaching. It’s rewarding work that can also present unique challenges! If you’re thinking about launching your own group coaching program, it’s good to know the five fundamentals. Find out what they are.
How to Build a Word of Mouth Coaching Business
As you're developing a marketing strategy for your coaching business, it’s critical to leverage your existing networks. But how do you do that, especially if you’re just starting out as a new coach?
In this podcast, Lumia Coaching co-founders John and Noelle conduct an interactive brainstorming session, and you’re invited to join along. Grab a paper and pen, and add your ideas to theirs as you work through a series of prompts. Listen in.
Getting Comfortable with Showing Up Online
If the idea of developing an online presence has you running for the hills, we’re here to help! In this episode, our resident online expert John Kim (@theangrytherapist) coaches Lumia's CEO - the social media skeptic Noelle Cordeaux - on how to dip a toe in and develop her online presence authentically.
Ready to give it a try as well? Check out John’s strategies to help make the process more comfortable. Get the tips!
Life Coaching Techniques
As a working coach, you're constantly seeking ways to improve your skills. It's easy to integrate new ideas and techniques into your practice simply by tuning into these short life coaching podcasts for fresh ideas.
Whether you're on the hunt for powerful questions, or want to learn how you can guide clients through a somatic awareness practice, we’re willing to bet you’ll find something you can apply to your work from these episodes.
The 5 Best Coaching Questions To Help Others Get Unstuck
As a coach, one of the most common challenges you’ll see clients grappling with is “feeling stuck.” While the specific issues may differ, the experience of being stuck - along with the strategies for moving through it productively - is fairly universal. Whether your client is bogged down in contemplating their next career move, or feels like they will never attract the love they’re looking for, we’ve got you! Explore the 5 questions.
The Powerful Science of Positive Psychology
At Lumia, you’ll hear us talk a lot about positive psychology in our life coach training program. That’s because evidence-based and science-backed training is the foundation of what we do!
When it comes to helping people achieve their goals and live in alignment with their values and dreams, we believe coaches benefit from understanding the cool research behind how human growth and change really works. In this episode, John and Noelle discuss the tenets of positive psychology, along with some theories and frameworks that we teach in our program. Gimme the science!
Let's Learn Somatic Coaching Techniques
Somatic coaching is all about helping clients explore and draw connections to where they feel different emotions in their bodies. We do this through specific applied positive psychology interventions (PPI’s).
A PPI is an empirically based strategy or exercise that has been proven to increase well-being, and positive cognitions and emotions (Keyes, Fredrickson, & Park 2012). And you don’t need an advanced degree or specialized skill set to introduce some basic body awareness into your practice! In this episode, we introduce two simple PPIs that you can use in a variety of client settings. Learn the techniques.
Dealing with Burnout and Stress
If you're interested in leadership podcasts, this one is a must-listen! Burnout is a silent and often invisible aspect of our work lives that hurts both individuals and organizational culture if left unchecked.
Those serving in positions of leadership are especially vulnerable to burnout, which can have a profound impact not just on themselves, but on those around them. In this episode, Noelle and John offer real world solutions for helping your clients (and yourself!) address professional burnout. Listen now.
Inspiration and Motivational Podcasts
The Art of Slowing Down
As coaches, our work often involves helping clients to move from a state of reactivity to a place that is more proactive. That process requires learning how to separate emotion, perception, and reaction from facts.
The cool thing about the work of coaching is that we’re encouraged to apply these tools in our own lives, right alongside our clients. This includes learning how to run your coaching business from a place that is grounded and aware. Get our 5 recommendations.
Defining Success as a Life Coach
Pitfalls that new coaches easily fall into are the comparison game, confusion about what coaching actually is, and what a “typical” practice looks like.
There’s a lack of visibility for the real work being done by coaches, versus the two caricatures that are most recognizable in the marketplace: the high powered executive coach and the social media influencer. In this episode, we widen the view with examples of 5 coaches who have “made it” on THEIR terms… and how you can too. Tune in.
What It Means To Invest In Yourself as a Coach
The work of coaching is the journey of a lifetime, and the investments that you make in yourself will continue to pay dividends throughout your career.
No matter your path - corporate, public sector, entrepreneurial, or somewhere in between - you'll want to continually invest in yourself, your coaching brand, and your business. Listen as John and Noelle explore all the ways you can do this in the months (and years) to come! Get inspired.
Using Coaching Skill as a Leader
In this episode, Noelle sits down with marketing strategist Chanti Zak to discuss coaching for leaders. In it, they talk about how Chanti has incorporated coach training into her roles as a business owner and leader.
Together they examine: what it’s really like to be an entrepreneur; adapting coaching techniques for business owners; and how life coach training has made Chanti a better leader, creator, and parent. Hear Chanti’s story.
Ready for Liftoff?
Grab your copy of our guide: 6 Steps To Start Coaching Today!
This free publication, written by Lumia Coaching co-founders John Kim and Noelle Cordeaux, will give you the tools to discover your niche, find clients, and get started on your path to becoming a successful coach.
Plus, when you sign up -- we'll keep you up to date weekly with coaching techniques, and the occasional much-needed kick in the pants to keep you motivated on your coaching journey.
So, what're you waitin' for? Let's get started!
Lumia Coaching: Vibrant community. Evidence-based life coach training. Lifetime support.